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Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav
Under MGMG, six programmes in Puri and Khordha districts were conducted during 2019-20. Multidisciplinary team of scientists visited the selected villages and advised farmers on production related problems. Around 340 farmers and farm women were benefitted from these programmes. These are organized to create awareness among the fish farmers on appropriate tools and techniques related to scientific fish culture, fish health management, water quality management, fish disease diagnosis and control measures to be adopted at farm level. On this occasion the scientists also discussed with the farmers about livestock production and management, improved varieties of thermo insensitive cauliflower, bush type french beans and other crops.
Water samples brought by the farmers were instantly analyzed and recommendations provided to the farmers. Extension literatures on various aspects of freshwater aquaculture were distributed among the farmers. The farmers were also made aware about the fundamental duties enshrined in the Indian Constitution. Scientists also suggested the farmers not to use single use plastic (SUP) and to maintain cleanliness in the household as well as in the common places like school, chaupal etc.
ICAR- CIFA is implementing the Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav Scheme in two adjacent districts viz., Khordha and Puri. Twenty scientists (three groups) are implementing the scheme in fifteen villages. Besides, the Scientists working in the Regional Research Centres have few villages for implementing the scheme. The scientists visit the villages regularly and update the villages about new farming practices, varieties and Government schemes. Forging convergence with line departments/KVK/banks/SHGs/NGOs etc. is being emphasized while interacting with farmers. Need based interventions are also being made by the team of scientists. An interface meeting was organised on 08th June 2018 in Dorbanga village. Along with the CIFA officials, 33 beneficiaries of Dorbanga village (25 men and 8 women) participated in this meeting and discussed about cropping strategies for Kharif season. SHG members also attended the meeting. Four training programmes were organized on freshwater aquaculture and fish health management measures at Barapada and Alasahi villages in Puri district. A total of 260 farmers and farm women took part in these programmes.
ICAR- CIFA is implementing the Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav Scheme in two adjacent districts viz., Khordha and Puri. Groups of Scientists (four scientists/group) would implement the scheme in five adjacent villages. Fifteen groups is formed adopting 75 villages in the target area. Besides, the Scientists working in the Regional Research Centres have selected another 25 villages for implementing the scheme. With the expertise of CIFA in freshwater aquaculture the villages will be selected based on added criteria of possessing freshwater bodies. The implementation will be in a phased manner of having a visit in month and progression of activities will be based on problems identified and development interventions designed.
The scheme was launched on 3rd Sept., 2015 at this Institute with the first visit. Dr P Jayasankar, Director, CIFA visited Orada and Pariorada villages along with his team members on 16th Sept., 2015. All the 20 groups of scientists ( at HQ and RRCs) visit their villages regularly and update the villages about new farming practices, varieties and Government schemes. Forging convergence with line departments/KVK/banks/SHGs/NGOs etc. is being emphasized for implementation of the scheme. Need based interventions are also being made by the team of scientists in their selected villages. Kisan gosthis were organised at Astaranga, Puri on 1 Dec 2015 and on 22 Jan 2016 at Sarat, Khurda.
Under MGMG, four programmes in Balianta and Balipatna block of Khordha district were conducted during 2020. Multidisciplinary team of scientists visited the selected villages and advised farmers on production related problems. Around 132 farmers and farm women were benefitted from the scientist-farmers interface. These interfaces were organised to create awareness regarding the importance of soil health, balanced use of fertiliser. During the visit the farmers were made aware about the scientific cultivation of different vegetable crops like bush type French bean var. Falguni, thermo-insensitive variety of cauliflower var. Fujiyama, etc. Health management of fish during winter season and feed application related issues were resolved during the visits. Farmers were also provided with relevant extension literature. The villagers were also made aware about the importance of cleanliness and maintenance of hygiene.
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