

Library and information services

The CIFA Library and Documentation Unit acts as a repository of literature and information and provides latest information in the field of Freshwater Aquaculture, fish genetics and Biotechnology, fish Nutrition and Physiology, fisheries and related aspects.

Resource Development

The library has the total collection of 6991 books, 2500 bound volumes of journals, and other reference materials. The library has subscribed to 24 International current journals and 44 Indian current Journals. In addition to these some journals were received on gratis/exchange basis.

The library has been recognised as the FAO Depository Library and has a good collection of FAO Publications related to Fisheries and allied agricultural sciences.

Library Automation

The CIFA Library is operating in fully automated environment. The various activities of library have been computerized using integrated library management software Libsys. The record of books, journals, etc, were entered in the database. Barcoding of books, periodicals and maps for automated circulation was undertaken. Online Public Access catalogue was made available for the library users

Information and reference services

Consortium of E-resources on Agriculture (CeRA). An user awareness programme on the CeRA was organized by the library during the year. In addition to the above, online access in CeRA, the library is providing Document Delivery services to various institutions (including the SAUs) under the NARS. Various research papers related to the mandate of the institute have been sent to researchers of the Institute from time to time.

The library has more than 200 members viz., scientists, technical officers and research scholars. Besides 2800 internal users (which includes Scientists,Technical Officers & Research Scholars) of the library, 745 visitors from outside organisations utilised the library resources.

Library Staff

Sri S. K. Mohanty

Sr. Technical Officer
