Krishi Vigyan Kendra

1. About us

2. Activities 

3. Focus 

4. Services and Facilities 

5. Research-Extension Linkage

6. Impact of KVK 

7. Manpower

8. Forthcoming KVK Programs 

9. Contact Us

About Us

Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)-Khordha the “Farm Science Centre” of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi was established in 1977. The KVK works for Khordha District of Odisha State and hosted by Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA), Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneshwar. The KVK is situated in the sprawling campus of CIFA. The objective of the KVK is to work on assessment, refinement and transfer of agricultural and allied technologies and transfer of skill through training in agriculture and allied sectors for the farmers/farmwomen of the district. 

Our Host Institution 

KVK-Khordha works under the administrative control of Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA), Bhubaneswar.  CIFA is a premier Research Institute on freshwater aquaculture in the country under the aegis of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. The Centre gradually developed into its full capacity and became an independent Institute during 1987 as Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA). The Institute is also the Lead Centre on ‘Carp Farming in India’ under Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA) operative under Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of United Nation.

About the District

Khordha is one of the 30 districts of Odisha State. Agriculture plays a vital role in the economic development of the district. The important commercial crops grown are paddy, pulses (Arhar, Gram, Green gram, Biri, Horse gram, Field pea and Cow pea) and oil seeds. (Groundnut, Til, Sunflower, Mustard and Toria). Vegetables: Okra and Brinjal are the important vegetable crops. Fruits like Lime, Banana, Sapota and Guava are also grown. The net sown area of the district is 1, 27,000 ha, area sown more than once is 1, 05, 500 ha and gross cropped area is 2, 32,650 ha with 183% cropping intensity. The net irrigated area of the district is 52, 61, 000 ha. Animal husbandry is the sideline of the lifeline of almost all the farming community in the district. Fisheries also serve as a major livelihood option of the rural community. There are three potential blocks where fisheries are a prominent livelihood activity. Area under freshwater aquaculture is 1929.24 ha. Major aquaculture activities are performed in tanks and ponds. The total fish production of the district is 15,760 mt. 


Mandates of the KVK

• To conduct “On Farm Testing” for identifying technologies in terms of location specific sustainable land use systems.

• To organize front-line demonstration on various crops to generate production data and feedback information.

• To organise training to update the extension personnel with emerging advances in agricultural research on regular basis.

• To organize short and long term vocational training courses in agriculture and allied vocations for the farmers and rural youth with emphasis on “Learning by doing”  for higher production on farms and generating self employment.

• Work as resource and knowledge centre of agricultural technology

Mandatory Works

OFT (On Farm Trails): An On-farm trial of KVK aims to test a new technology/variety or an idea in farmer’s field, under farmer’s conditions and management, by using farmer’s own practice as control. It helps to develop innovations consistent with farmer’s circumstances, compatible with the actual farming system and corresponding to farmer’s goals and preferences. Since establishment of the KVK several technologies have been assessed and necessary refinements have been performed. 

Frontline Demonstration (FLD): Technologies suited to the micro-farming situation and proved by assessment and refinements through OFTs are considered as FLDs. Every year the KVK conducts the FLD programmes regularly. 

Training: The major focus of training by the KVK is to impart practical work experience inculcating the principle of “Learning by doing and teaching by doing”. The clientele includes the practicing farmers, farmwomen, unemployed village youths, school dropouts, village extension functionaries and development agents from the district. Each year the KVK conducts on an average of 120 training programs benefitting 6000-7000 farmers of the district. 

Other Extension Activities: The KVK participates and organizes Field days, Exhibitions, Kisan Mela, Farmers’ Field School, Farm Advisory Services, Soil and Water testing awareness Camps, Ex-trainees meet, Animal Health Camps etc.

Focus of the KVK

The KVK provides services in the areas of Crop Production, Horticulture, Animal Science (Livestock and Poultry), Plant Protection, Fisheries and Women in Agriculture. The other services of KVK are towards soil and water testing, supply of critical inputs for entrepreneurship, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of State and Central sponsored programs. 

The KVK works with an approved action plan from the Zonal Project Directorate, Zone VII Jabalpur of ICAR to perform its mandatory activities. The KVK also conducts Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting every year for approval of the programmes and other activities involving different stakeholders of the district. In generic emphasizing the needs of Khordha district the KVK focuses on 

  • Crop diversification
  • Varietal Replacement 
  • Integrated Nutrient Management
  • Integrated Pest and Disease Management 
  • Breed improvement
  • Poultry production
  • Feed & fodder management
  • Fish and fish seed production
  • Integrated fish farming 
  • Value addition & processing
  • Women empowerment and 
  • Natural Resource Management


  • Demonstrations: Farmers can participate in conducting demonstrations & trials on their fields initiated by the KVK.
  • Trainings: The KVK conducts On and Off Campus trainings.  On Campus: Farmers can register to attend different training programs. Off Campus: Training at farmers’ villages for small groups. Special trainings can also be arranged for organizing on topics of their choice. 
  • Farm and Home Visit: Farmers can request concerned Subject Matter Specialists (SMS) of KVK to visit to their problematic fields for getting diagnostic and curative recommendations.
  • Advisory Roles: Farmers can interact with SMS of KVK and seek advices on issues related to agriculture, allied sectors and information on advanced agricultural techniques/technologies.
  • Exposure visits: Farmers on study tour can have exposure on the demonstration units of KVK. 
  • Soil and Water Testing: Farmers, institutions and organizations can get their soil, water samples tested upon providing samples. 
  • Extension Activities: Farmers can participate in extension activities conducted by the KVK like Technology Week, Exhibitions, Farmer-Scientist Interaction, Kisan Mela, Study tours, Field days by prior registration. 
  • Availability of Infrastructure: Organizations willing to conduct trainings for the farmers can use the conference hall and audio visual aids on nominal charges
  • Farmers’ Hostel: Farmers can stay in our hostel after paying nominal charges


The KVK has its own administrative building with different demonstration units, farm, water bodies and soil and water testing laboratory. To conduct training programmes the KVK has well furnished conference Hall with all modern Audio-Visual Aids (AV Aids). The KVK also has a Farmers’ Hostel and dining facilities. A computer lab fully equipped with modern equipments serves as a Key Documentation Centre with the ERNET project of ICAR.

The KVK works with different Research and Development agencies in the district for collaboration, joint implementation of programs and for different activities. Some of the Research-Extension linkage modes/mechanism and activities are: 

  • Extension arm of CIFA
  • Scientists of CIFA are closely associated for technology dissemination, assessment and Refinement 
  • Line Department as member in SAC of KVK
  • Planning and execution of training for extension functionaries
  • Involvement of block level extension officers in survey and off campus demonstration
  • Organizing Kisan Mela at different locations 
  • Procurement of inputs from different departments for development works
  • Participation in farmer-scientist interface meeting of the State Government
  • Member in the Governing Body of ATMA- Khordha
  • Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of ATMA programs of Khordha District

Convergence programmes 

Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India (BGREI)
Block demonstration on package of practices of rice was performed in Balianta, Bhubaneswar and Tangi blocks of Khordha district. The total area covered by this demonstration tuned to 3000 ha. The KVK extended technical backstopping for the demonstrations and also monitored the programme as a part of the District level Monitoring Team (DLMT) along with the District Agriculture Department. Khordha stood first in achieving the highest rice production among the BGREI implemented districts in Odisha.

Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA)
The KVK is actively involved in Validation of various field and vegetable crops in the district Khordha in association with ATMA-Khordha.  

Impact on the spread of Crop variety and Inputs introduced to the district through KVK Interventions

 Since 1977, the KVK has been working on transferring technologies through its mandatory works viz., OFT, FLD and Training. Some of the significant impacts created in the district are as follows: 

Sl.No Crop and Variety/Inputs Year of Implementation Initial Spread Activities   Significant features 

1. Paddy

Var: Pratikshya 2007-08 V:2
B:3 V:28
B:7 OFT,FLD, Trg § Potential yield50-55qt//ha
  • Suitable for shallow low land
  • Maturity 140-145days
  • Seed medium slender
  • Tolerant  to blast& sheath blight  disease 

2. Ground nut

Var: Smruti 2001-02 V:1
B:1 V:13
B:3 FLD, Trg § Maturity 100 in kharif & 110days in Rabi
  • Bunchy type
  • Oil  content51%              
  • Red kernel & bold  seed
  • Resistant to collar rot & stem rot  
3. Green gram
Var:PDM-54 2000-01 V:2
B:1 V:84 B:8 OFT,FLD, Trg
  • Early maturity 60-65days
  • Seeds are bold& shining green 
  • Resistant     to YMV disease
  • Potential yield 12-15qtl/ha
4. Pointed Guard
Var:Swarna Alaukik 2007-08
B:01 V:56


  • Fruit light green, medium sized and less seeded
  • Tolerant to moisture stress, bacterial blight 
  • Yield 270-300 q/ha

5. Hybrid Okra
NS810,Avantika, Sonal 2006-07 V:2
B:1 V:21


  • High yield
  • Suitable for cultivation throughout the year
  • Days to first harvest:45-55
  • Avg. Fruit lengh:11-14cm 

6. Marigold
Var:Siracole 2008-09 V:4
B:1 V:17
B:3 OFT,FLD, Trg
  • High yield
  • Orange colour flower
  • 40-50 nos. Of flower/plant
  • Avg. Wt. Of flower 8-10gm
  • Avg. Yield 16t/ha
7. Poultry 
Strain:Vanaraja 2000-2001 V:1

B:1 V:26

B:6 FLD, Trg.

  • Dual purpose bird
  • Attractive plumage colour
  • Faster growth rate
  • Higher egg production
  • Big size egg

Detailed Description of the Impact

  • Paddy

Paddy variety Pratikshya an Improved HYV was demonstrated in farmer’s field in four blocks. The recorded yield was 17% higher than the ruling var Swarna under medium and shallow low land situation. The variety has spread to 21 villages of the district by covering an area of 186 ha. The adopted farmers have replaced the traditional var Swarna. Pratikshya is also in the seed chain of the State Department of Agriculture. 

  • Oil Seeds and Pulses

Improved Varieties of groundnut and green gram were demonstrated by KVK. Groundnut var Smruti and green gram var PDM-54 had a higher acceptance by the farmers in the district. The yield of Smruti was recorded an increase about 29% over the ruling var AK-12-24. PDM-54 green gram var, showed an increase of 40% over the local var. The spread has been in 97 villages of the district.

  • Vegetables

The farmers of the district cultivated a local pointed guard variety. The yield of the local var was found to be low. An improved var “Swarna Alaukik” recorded 236 q/ha against 140 q/ha accounting to an increase of about 69%. This var was popularized in 56 villages covering 6 in 10 blocks of the district. Hybrid Okra was introduced by KVK in one block and has spread to 7 blocks. This massive spread has been due to the increase in yield by 67% over the open pollinated var. 

  • Flower

The KVK was responsible to introduce the Marigold that is suitable for summer cultivation in the district. The marigold var Siracole recorded an increase of 25.13% yield during summer. At present this var has been widely adopted in 17 villages in 3 blocks of the district. 

  • Inducing Femaleness in Cucurbit

Through OFT, FLD and Training activities of the KVK intensive efforts were taken to increase the production of cucurbits (Cucumber and Bitter gourd) by inducing femaleness through application of Plant Growth Regulator (PGR). The introduction of PGR Ethephon 39% SL resulted an increase of yield by 55% covering 14 villages in 5 blocks of the district.

  • Poultry

Several improved strains of poultry were demonstrated by the KVK for backyard farming. Among the improved strains “Vanaraja” was found to be highly acceptable and suitable for backyard poultry. Due to the higher meat, egg production potentiality and resemblance with desi poultry in plumage colour the strain was widely accepted by the farmers. This strain has spread to 25 villages in 6 of 10 blocks in the district comprising 186 farm families. 

  • Animal Health Management

Livestock farmers and/or owners in the district were unaware about the loss due to worm infestation and the benefits of regular deworming of their livestock. The KVK took attempts to popularise and inculcate the practice of deworming regularly for dairy and goats. The KVK spread this practice through OFT, FLD, training and regular deworming camps. The KVK was successful towards motivating and adopting this practice in almost all the adopted villages of KVK. The benefit of this interventions were on the reduction of mortality and improvement in growth of young animals, and about 10-15% increase in milk yield of lactating animals.

  • Composite Fish Culture

Demonstration of composite fish culture with Indian major carp (IMC) with common carp (CC) was conducted in 8 community ponds covering a total water area of 1.4 ha in eight villages. The production of table size fish was 2.1 t/ha having 147% increase in yield over local practice (0.85 t/ha). The technology is now being spread to 68 villages of 8 blocks in the district.

  • Fish Seed Production

For augmenting quality carp seed production two hatcheries were established in village by a rural youth and a farmwoman upon acquiring skill and technical guidance from KVK. There are 35 farmers are procuring fingerling, spawn/fry from these hatcheries.

  • Mushroom

Paddy straw and oyster mushroom cultivation were successfully demonstrated to 45 farmwomen. Paddy straw mushroom cultivation was widely adopted among the farmwomen (285 numbers) in 14 villages of 5 blocks for income generation. An increase of 80.4% over the local practice was recorded under outdoor method of production.

  • Extension Approach

During the introduction of pointed gourd Swarna Alaukik by the KVK, a constraint was faced for further promotion due to inadequate planting materials. The KVK envisaged a participatory approach to produce poly plants of the variety from vine cuttings involving farmers and rural youths from adopted villages. In this approach, farmers were taught about the technique of poly plant production from vine cuttings at door step by KVK. After a month, the farmers visited KVK along with pointed gourd vines. During their visit the KVK again demonstrated the practice and provided inputs like rooting hormone, polythene bags, vine treating chemicals for promoting this practice. The KVK maintained the poly plants produced by the farmers for two months at its farm before handing it over for planting. The farmers were supported by the KVK to maintain the poly plants due to inadequate space and infrastructure at their farms. This approach was initiated with two farmers and has scaled up to 70 farmers. Thus the KVK facilitated to meet the demand of planting materials for pointed gourd in the district. With this approach about 10,000-15,000 poly plants have been produced by these farmers.  To encourage it further, this activity was included in the vocational training programme especially the rural youth to learn the technique and help farmers to be self sufficient with planting materials. 

  • Training cum workshop on Fishery Technology, CIFA and Zonal Project Directorate, Zone VII, ICAR, Jabalpur at KVK Khordha, July 12th, 2012 (completed)
  • National Workshop on Recent Trends on Impact Assessment and Best Practices by December 12-13, 2012. This national workshop is organised jointly by KVK-Khordha and Zonal Project Directorate, Zone-VII, ICAR, Jabalpur


The KVK is manned by a Program Coordinator supported by six Subject Matter Specialists (SMS) in different disciplines, three Program Assistants and other administration and supporting staffs. The SMS are qualified in Crop Production, Horticulture, Plant Protection, Animal Science, Fisheries, and Women in Agriculture.

Programme Staff

Programme Co-ordinator
Mob: 7377805984
(b.1974) is a Ph.D in Agricultural Extension from Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Dr.Ananth had his advanced trainings from World Fish centre-Malaysia, Wageningen International, The Netherlands, Centre for Natural Resource Studies, Bangladesh in rural social studies. Dr.Ananth served in different capacities as SRF in Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin, Programme Coordinator at Mitraniketan KVK, Trivandrum, Kerala, Assistant Professor in Rural Development, Ambo University, Ministry of Education, Ethiopia and as Consultant for National and international Development Agencies like Oxfam GB, DFID-UK, Plan International-Ethiopia, Food Security program-World Bank-Ethiopia, Community Development Service-Ethiopia, Sweden Church etc. He has won the Netherlands Government Fellowship (NFP), Young Scientist Award instituted by Zoological Society of India and Best paper Presentation Award, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi. To his credit Dr.Ananth has 5 Books, 1edited abstract, 17 papers in journals, 9 contributed articles, 5 in proceedings of scientific deliberations, 8 Extension and popular articles and 4 Manuals. 

Mr. A. K. Dash
SMS (Horticulture)
Mob: 98612-28198
(b.1963) a post graduate in agricultural science specialised in Agricultural Extension from Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar. He worked as Junior Horticulturist in Odisha State Department of Horticulture, Training assistant in CIFA and promoted to Subject Matter Specialist at KVK-Khordha. He has undergone around 12 training programmes on different aspects at reputed Research Institutions and SAUs. To his credit has 3 research papers, one technical manual and 50 extension literature. His ambition is to popularise the pointed gourd variety “Swarn Alaukik” in the district Khordha.

Mr. S. Singh
SMS (Agronomy)
Mob: 94390-19495
(b.1965) Master of Science in Agriculture and specialised in Horticulture from OUAT, Bhubaneswar. He joined in KVK-Khordha during 1989 as training assistant and subsequently directreuited as Subject Matter Specialist. Undergone several training programmes in capacity building from ICAR Institutes viz., CIFA, Bhubaneswar, CRRI,Cuttack, Directorate of Oilseed Research, Hyderabad,CIAE, Bhopal, IIPR, Kanpur,DRWA, Bhubaneswar and other  organisation like OUAT,Bhubaneswar, National Seed Corporation Ltd, New Delhi.  He was associated in Institute Projects like TAR/IVLP under NATP programme. To his credit, Mr. Singh has 05 numbers of popular articles, 20extension literatures. He has been working towards popularising Hybrid rice & herbicide application for field crops. 

Mr. P. R. Sahoo,
SMS (Fisheries)
Mob: 98613-86353
(b.1980) a post graduate in fisheries science specialised in freshwater aquaculture from Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE), Mumbai. Before joining to KVK on June 2010, CIFA he was working as technical assistant at Directorate of Research on Women in Agriculture during 2007- 2010.He had undergone a short-term training on “Crab breeding and culture” at Central Institute of Brakishwater Aquaculture, Chennai. To his credit, Mr. Sahoo has more than 10 scientific articles, 05 popular articles, 2 technical bulletins and two book chapters. His keen interest to disseminate different aquaculture technologies in the district. Currently his focus is to popularise pond based integrated farming system.

Dr. B. K. Banja
Farm Manager
Mob: 94377-63183
 (b.1964) Qualification: B.V.Sc. & A.H, M.V.Sc. (Medicine) from OUAT and Ph.D. (Life Science) from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Joined ICAR Service as Training Assistant (Livestock Production & Management) in 1990 at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, CIFA, Bhuabneswar. Subsequently got promotion to Training Associate/Subject Matter Specialist and has been carrying out the duties and responsibilities of Subject Matter Specialist in the field of Livestock Production & Management.  Undergone some of the training programmes on animal husbandry aspects at institutes like NDRI, Kalyani (W.B) and ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani (Meghalaya).Associated in Institute Projects like ORP, TAR/IVLP under NATP and UNDP programme. Dr.Banja has published about 8 research papers, some popular articles and around 8 extension literatures in local language to his credit. 

Mrs. S. Behera,
Programme Assistant (Computer) 
Mob: 9437033387
(b. 1966) Qualification: BSc. (Home Science) from OUAT followed by post graduation in Home science from Rama Devi Womens College, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Joined ICAR Service as Training Assistant (Home science) in 1991 at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, CIFA, Bhuabneswar. Subsequently got promotion to Training Associate/Subject Matter Specialist and carrying out the duties and responsibilities of Subject Matter Specialist in the field of Women in agriculture section. Undergone training on home science aspects at institutes like OUAT, DRWA & CIFA. To her credit, about 04 research papers have been published in different journals with 05 popular articles.


  • Mr. R. K. Behera (UDC) (deputed from CIFA-HQ)


  • Mr. Dinabandhu Pradhan
  • Mr. Sibaprasad Behera 
  • Mr. Rabidra Tarai (deputed from CIFA-HQ)


  • Mr. Budhia Behera
  • Mr. Manoj Kumar Jena
  • Mr. Purna Bhoi (deputed from CIFA-HQ)
  • Mr. T. B. Barik (deputed from CIFA-HQ)
  • Mr. Jagannath Ghadei (deputed from CIFA-HQ)

Programme Coordinator,
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)-Khordha,
Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA), 
Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneshwar-751002
Telephone:0674-2465060, Mob:+91-7377805984, Email: