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मत्स्य पोषण एवं शरीरक्रिया विज्ञान प्रभाग
मत्स्य पोषण एवं शरीरक्रिया विज्ञान प्रभाग
- Study the feeding behavior, nutrient requirements and development of feeds for different life stages of freshwater fish and shellfish
- Study the physiological mechanism of reproduction, digestion, energy metabolism and stress in freshwater species
Thrust areas
- Macro and micronutrients requirements for various life stages of commercially important freshwater fishes
- Larval, grow-out and broodstock nutrition
- Development of feeds and feeding protocols for freshwater fishes
- Development and evaluation of alternative feeds for aquaculture sustainability
- Nutrigenomic studies in fish
- Functional feed additive/nutraceuticals for growth and health in freshwater fishes
- Development of feed processing technology for improving the feeds and nutrients efficiency
- Nutrient profiling of culture and wild fish
- Reproductive physiology in fishes
- Climate change impacts and mitigation strategy
- Nutrient profiling of culture and wild fish
Scientific Staff
Technical Staff

Santosh Kumar Nayak
Technical Officer

Arun Kumar Behera
Technical Assistant
Services offered
- Feed formulation, feed preparation and feeding demonstrations to farmers
- Classroom and off campus training to the stakeholders
- Feed analysis for government departments, research institutions and private entrepreneurs
- Feed production and supply
- National Feed Testing and Referral Laboratory
- Nutrient Digestibility study lab
- Climatology laboratory
- Extruder Feed Mill
- Feed evaluation facility (Wet labs and ponds)
- Protein and Amino Acid lab
- Lipid and Fatty acid lab
- Mineral lab
- Vitamin lab
- Energy Metabolism Laboratory
- Feed Evaluation lab
- Fish Physiology Laboratory
- Nutrigenomics Laboratory
List of On-going Institute Projects
# | Project Title | PI | Duration |
01 | Effect of heat stress on the reproductive function of rohu and its amelioration strategy | A. Saha | 2017-21 |
02 | Solid State Fermentation (SSF) of mahua oil cake as fish feed ingredient for Indian Major Carps (IMC) | K. C. Das | 2019-22 |
03 | Enhancing larval survivability of climbing perch through dietary intervention | Nitish Ku. Chandan | 2019-22 |
List of On-going Externally Funded Projects
# | Project Title | PI | Duration | Funding Source |
01 | Upscaling and demonstration of nursery and grow out carp feeds developed by ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar | K. C. Das | 2018-21 | NFDB |
02 | Regulatory roles of kisspeptin and neurokinin B in gonadal maturation of farmed carp Labeo rohita | Ashis Saha | 2018-21 | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) |
Salient Achievements:
- Studied the nutrient requirements and developed feeds for larval, grow-out and bloodstock of Indian Major Carps, catfishes and freshwater
prawn. - Unconventional feed ingredients are identified, screened, detoxified and sustainable aquafeeds are developed through different processing
technologies. - Studied the nutrient-gene interactions in polyunsaturated fatty acids metabolism and developed exclusive plant ingredient-based feeds,
replacing fishmeal and fish oil in carp diets - Region specific farm-made feeds developed for freshwater aquaculture to reduce feed cost
- Identified/developed a number of feed additives and evaluated in fish feeds
- Developed Feed Standards for carps, catfish and prawn through Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and ICAR
- Developed offseason breeding techniques for carps through photo-thermal manipulation, for round the year seed production
- CIFABROODTM (Carp broodstock feed)
- CIFACA (Carp grow-out feed)
- CIFAMA (Magur fingerling feed)
- Starter M (Magur larval feed)
- Starter Pangas (Pangas larval feed)
- Pangas grow-I (Pangas fry feed)
- Pangas grow-II (Pangas fingerling feed)
- Pangas grow-out floating feed
- GRAM-CA-FEED (Grow-out farm-made feed for carp)
- Carp nursery (fry) feed
- Floating carp feed
Intellectual property (IP) developed:
IP | Title | Patentee | Status | Description |
Patent | A method and an apparatus for developing gonadal maturity in carp | Indian Council of Agricultural Research | Granted | Patent number: 275820 Date of Grant: 22.09.2016 |
Trademark | CIFABROODTM | Indian Council of Agricultural Research | Granted and commercialized | Number: 1792420 Date of Grant: 05.03.2009 |
# | Title | Journal | Authors | Year |
Influence of a diet containing plant ingredients at different levels on growth performance, carcass biochemical composition, and blood parameters in Indian major carps grown in polyculture earthen ponds | Tropical Animal Health and Production.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11250-019-02184-7 | Pradhan, C., Giri, S.S., Mohanty, T.K. and Mohanty, S.N | 2020 | |
Effects of dietary α‐linolenic acid/linoleic acid ratio on growth performance, tissue fatty acid profile, serum metabolites and Δ6 fadand elovl5 gene expression in silver barb (Puntius gonionotus) | Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10177 | Nayak, M., Giri, S.S., Pradhan, A., Samanta, M. and Saha, A | 2019 | |
Seasonal Variations in Proximate Composition of Nine Freshwater Fish | Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 36 (1): 65-72. doi: 10.5958/2231-6744.2019.00011.2 | Paul, B.N., Bhowmick, S., Singh, P., Chanda, S., Sridhar, N. and Giri, S.S | 2019 | |
Effect of feeding frequency on growth, feed utilization and cannibalism in climbing perch, Anabas testudineus (Bloch 1792) fry | Indian Journal of Fisheries, 66: 106-111 | Dash, L., Kumar, R., Mohanta, K.N., Mohanty, U.L., Pillai, B.R. and Sundaray, J.K | 2019 | |
A Nursery Feed for Indian Major Carps (Labeo rohita) and its Evaluation in Farmer's Field | Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 36 (4): 377-381 | Das, KC, Mohanta, KN, Nayak, SK, Mohanty, S, Sahoo, PK, Swain, P | 2019 | |
Evaluation of Dhaincha seed (Sesbania aculeate) as a Non-conventional feed ingredient for Labeo rohita (Ham.) fry | International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 6(2):272-279 | Nayak, K.C., Rath, S.C., Giri, S.S. and Mohanta, K.N | 2018 | |
Influence of dietary lipid levels on growth, nutrient utilization, tissue fatty acid composition and desaturase gene expression in silver barb (Puntius gonionotous) fingerlings | Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 226: 18–25 | Nayaka ,M., Saha, A., Pradhan, A., Samanta, M., Mohantya, T. K., Giri, S. S | 2018 | |
Nutritional Values of Minor carps | SAARC J Agri. 16(1): 215-231. DOI: | Paul, B.N., Bhowmick, S., Chanda, S., Sridhar, N. and Giri, S.S | 2018 | |
Nutrient Profile of five Freshwater Fish Species | SAARC J Agri. 16(2): 25-41. DOI: | Paul, B.N., Bhowmick, S., Chanda, S., Sridhar, N. and Giri, S.S | 2018 | |
Effect of Different Feeding Levels of Plant-ingredient-based Feed on Fillet Fatty Acid Profile, Carcass Trait, and Sensory Characteristics of Indian Major Carps in Earthen Pond Polyculture | Journal of the World Aquaculture Society | Pradhan, C., Giri, S. S., Mohanty, S. N | 2018 | |
Gonadotropin receptors of Labeo rohita: Cloning and characterization of full length cDNAs and their expression analysis during annual reproductive cycle | General and Comparative Endocrinology,263: 21–31 | Pradhan, A. Nayak, M., Samanta, M., Panda, R.P., Rath, S.C., Giri, S. S., Saha, A | 2018 | |
Potentiality of new feed ingredients for Aquaculture: A Review | Agricultural Reviews. 39(4): 282-291 | Singh, P., Paul,B.N. and Giri, S.S | 2018 | |
Molecular characterization, tissue distribution and differential nutritional regulation of putative Elovl5 elongase in silver barb (Puntius gonionotus) | Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 217: 27-39 | Nayak, M., Pradhan, A., Giri, S. S., Samanta, M., Konkimalla, V. B | 2018 | |
Effect of Extrusion Temperature on Quality of Carp Floating Feed Prepared from Local Feed Resources | Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 18 (1), 117-123 | KC Das, KN Mohanta, SK Nayak, T Mohanty, S Toppo, P SwainK | 2018 | |
Dietary fish oil replacement by linseed oil: Effect on growth, nutrient utilization, tissue fatty acid composition and desaturase gene expression in silver barb (Puntius gonionotus) | Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 205: 1–12 | Nayak, M., Saha, A., Pradhan, A, Samanta, M., Giri, S. S | 2017 | |
Evaluation of mahua oilcake (Bassia latifoliaRoxb.) as a non-conventional feed ingredient for Labeo rohita (Ham.) fingerlings | Indian J. Fish., 64(2): 33-39 | Rath, S.C., K.C. Nayak, T.K. Mohanty, C. Devaraj, N. K. Chandan, K.N. Mohanta and S.S. Giri | 2017 | |
Evaluation of processed rain tree (Samanea saman) pod meal as a non-conventional ingredient in the diet of Catla catla fry | Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 17: 323-332 | Rath S. C., K. Mohanta, K. C. Nayak, C. Pradhan, T.K.Mohanty, S. Sarkar and S. S. Giri | 2017 | |
Evaluation of polanga (Calophylum innophylum) oil cake as a non-conventional ingredient in Labeo rohita (Ham.) fingerling feed | Indian J. Fish., 64 (special issue): 75-82 | Rath S.C., K.C. Nayak, C. Pradhan, T.K.Mohanty, S. Sarkar, S.Toppo, and S.S. Giri | 2017 | |
Nutrient profile of indian climbing perch, Anabas testudineus | SAARC J. Agri., 15(1): 99-109 | Paul, B. N., Chanda, S., Bhowmick, S., Sridhar, N., Saha, G.S., Giri, S. S | 2017 | |
Incorporation of ghee residue as a feed ingredient for Labeo rohita | Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 17: 127-136 | Singh, P., Paul, B.N., Rana, G.C., Mandal, R.N., Chakrabarti, P.P., Giri, S.S | 2017 | |
Effect of Dietary Iron Level on Growth Performance and Enzyme Activity in Rohu (Labeo rohita Hamilton) Fingerlings | Indian J. Anim. Nutr., 34 (2): 224-228 | Chanda, S., Samanta, A., Paul, B.N., Ghosh, K., Giri, S.S | 2017 | |
Feeding pattern, metabolic status and milk composition of Chilika buffaloes in their natural habitat | Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 87 (5): 610–618 | Mohanty, S., Panda, N., Panigrahi, B., Swain, R. K.,Dash, S. K., Mishra, A., Giri, S. S | 2017 | |
Farm-made feed polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) rich carp production in India: A case study | SAARC J. Agri., 15 (2): 45-55 | Paul, B. N., Giri, S. S., Chanda, S, Rath, S. C. and Datta, A. K | 2017 | |
Effect of restricted feeding and refeeding on compensatory growth, nutrient utilization and gain, production performance and whole-body composition of carp cultured in earthen pond | Aquaculture Nutrition, 23(3):460-469 | Mohanta, KN., Rath, SC., Nayak, KC., Pradhan, C., Mohanty, TK., Giri, SS | 2017 | |
Effect of dietary incorporation of fish/prawn meal on performance of Catla catla (Hamilton) during nursery phase | Indian J. Fish., 64(1): 44-48 | Kamble, SP., Das, PC., Parida, KC., Mohanta, KN | 2017 | |
Evaluation of nutritionally enhanced feed through microbial fermentation on growth and survival of fingerlings of Labeo rohita (Hamilton) | International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 5(4): 458-462 | Nayak, AP., Misra, SK., Nanda, S., Mohanta, KN., Satpathy, D., Mishra, RN., Siddaiah, GM | 2017 | |
Molecular characterization of two kiss genes and their expression in rohu ( Labeo rohita) during annual reproductive cycle | Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 191:135-145 | Saha, A., Pradhan, A, Sengupta, S., Nayak, M., Samanta, M., Sahoo, L., Giri, S. S | 2016 | |
Dietary micronutrients and in vivo n-3 LC-PUFA biosynthesis in Atlantic salmon | Aquaculture 452: 416–425 | Giri, S. S.; Graham, J., Hamid, N.K. A., Donald, J. A. and Turchini,G.M | 2016 | |
Proximate, mineral and vitamin contents of Indian Major Carp | Ind. J. Anim. Nutr., 33(1): 102-107 | Paul, B.N., S. Chanda, N. Sridhar, G.S. Saha, and S.S. Giri | 2016 | |
Evaluation of Jute Leaf as feed ingredient for Labeo rohita | Ind. J. Anim. Nutr., 33(2): 203-207 | Singh, P., B.N. Paul, G. Rana, and S.S. Giri | 2016 | |
Fatty acid, Amino acid and Vitamin composition of Indian Catfish, Magur (Clarias batrachus) and Singhi (Heteropneustes fossilis) | SAARC Journal of Agriculture, 14(2): 189-199 | Paul, B.N., S. Chanda, N. Sridhar, G.S. Saha, and S.S. Giri | 2016 | |
Seasonal Variation in Proximate and Mineral Composition of Koi, (Anabas testudineus, Bloch 1792) | Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology15: 465-470 | Paul, B.N., Chanda, S., Das, S., Sridhar, N., Saha, G.S. and Giri, S.S | 2015 | |
Evaluation of Plant-based Attractants in the Diets of Labeo rohita | Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology 15: 289-294 | Paul, B.N. and Giri, S.S | 2015 | |
Fatty Acid Profile of Indian Major Carp | Indian J. Anim. Nutr., 32 (2): 221-226 | Paul, B.N., Chanda, S., Sridhar, N., Saha, G.S. and Giri,S.S | 2015 | |
Fatty Acid Profile of Fillet and Liver and Proximate Composition of Puntius gonionotus and Puntius | Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 32 (4): 433-438 | Nayak, M., Saha, A., Giri, S. S | 2015 | |
Fresh Water Aquaculture Nutrition Research in India. A Review | Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 32 (2): 113-125 | Paul, B. N. and Giri, S. S | 2015 | |
Dietary essentiality of trace minerals in aquaculture: A Review | Agricultural Review, 36 (2) 2015 : 100-112 | Chanda, S., Paul, B.N., Ghosh, K. and Giri, S.S | 2015 | |
Evaluation of Ghee Residue as Feed ingredient for Labeo rohita | Indian J. Anim. Nutr., 32 (l): l0l- 107 | Singh, P., Paul, B.N. Ranar, G.C, Mandal R.N., Chakrabarti, P.P. and Giri, S. S | 2015 | |
Protein requirement of IR- Jayanti (Labeo rohita) fingerlings | J. Fish. Aquat. Stud., 3(2):324-330 | S Sarkar, S N Mohanty, KC Nayak, C Pradhan, KN Mohanta, C Devaraj | 2015 | |
Cost effective floating feeds for Indian Major Carps (IMC) by replacement of soyabean meal with alternative feed ingredients | Indian Journal of Animal Research. Print ISSN:0367-6722 / Online ISSN:0976-0555 | Das, K.C., Toppo, S., Mohanty, T. K., Pradhan, C., Giri, S. S | 2015 | |
Proximate and mineral composition of Magur (Clarias batrachus) and Singhi (Heteropneustes fossilis) | Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 32 (4): 453-456 | Paul,B.N.,S. Chanda, N. Sridhar, G.S. Saha,. and S.S. Giri | 2015 | |
Larval age at stocking, growth, and survival during fingerling production of the endangered sun catfish, Horabagrus brachysoma | Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 27:2, 144-149 | Sahoo, S. K., Giri, S. S., Paramanik, M., Ferosekhan. S | 2015 |