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भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद (आईसीएआर), नई दिल्ली के प्रशासनिक नियंत्रण के तहत आईसीएआर- केंद्रीय मीठाजल जिवपालन अनुसंधान संस्थान (आईसीएआर-सीआईएफए) भारत में मीठे पानी की जलीय कृषि में एक प्रमुख शोध संस्थान है। वर्तमान संस्थान की शुरुआत आईसीएआर केंद्रीय अंतर्देशीय मत्स्य अनुसंधान संस्थान (आईसीएआर-सीआईएफआरआई), बैरकपुर, पश्चिम बंगाल के तालाब संस्कृति प्रभाग में हुई थी और 1949 में कटक, ओडिशा में स्थापित किया गया था। उस अवधि के दौरान, तीन प्रौद्योगिकियों के साथ अभूतपूर्व अनुसंधान प्रयास अर्थात, हाइपोफिजेशन के माध्यम से कार्पों का प्रेरित प्रजनन, नर्सरी की प्रथाओं और पालन तालाब प्रबंधन; और कम्पोजिट कार्प कल्चर का सफलतापूर्वक मानकीकरण किया गया और इसे खेत में स्थानांतरित कर दिया गया। इसने वस्तुतः देश के मीठे पानी के जलीय कृषि क्षेत्र को पिछवाड़े की गतिविधि के स्तर से तेजी से बढ़ते सुव्यवस्थित उद्योग में ला दिया है। बाद में, आईसीएआर-सीआईएफआरआई ने मीठे पानी के जलीय कृषि अनुसंधान पर जोर देने के एक बड़े प्रयास में, कौसलगंगा, भुवनेश्वर, ओडिशा में 147-हेक्टेयर परिसर में मीठे पानी के जलीय कृषि अनुसंधान और प्रशिक्षण केंद्र (एफएआरटीसी) की स्थापना के लिए कदम उठाए। 1987 के दौरान सेंट्रल इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ फ्रेशवाटर एक्वाकल्चर के रूप में केंद्र एक स्वतंत्र संस्थान के रूप में विकसित हुआ। संस्थान एशिया-प्रशांत (एनएसीए), बैंकॉक, थाईलैंड में जलीय कृषि केंद्रों के नेटवर्क के तहत 'भारत में कार्प खेती' पर क्षेत्रीय अग्रणी केंद्र भी है। भाकृअनुप-सीफा कार्प्स, हवा में सांस लेने वाली मछलियों, मीठे पानी के झींगे, मीठे पानी के मोती मसल्स और सजावटी मछलियों के बुनियादी और अनुप्रयुक्त पहलुओं पर शोध कर रहा है। संस्थान के पास फिनफिश और शेलफिश प्रजनन, मछली शरीर विज्ञान, पोषण, आनुवंशिकी, जैव प्रौद्योगिकी, नैनो प्रौद्योगिकी, प्रोटिओमिक्स, सूक्ष्म जीव विज्ञान, विकृति विज्ञान, इंजीनियरिंग और सामाजिक विज्ञान के विषयों में पूरी तरह से सुसज्जित प्रयोगशालाएं हैं।


उत्पादकता, गुणवत्ता, जल उपयोग दक्षता और कृषि आय में वृद्धि के लिए स्थायी और विविध मीठे पानी की जलीय कृषि प्रथाओं को विकसित करने के लिए अनुसंधान में उत्कृष्टता।


आजीविका और पोषण सुरक्षा के लिए पर्यावरण के अनुकूल और आर्थिक रूप से व्यवहार्य मछली उत्पादन प्रणालियों के माध्यम से भारतीय मीठे पानी की जलीय कृषि को विश्व स्तर पर प्रतिस्पर्धी बनाना।


  • मीठे पानी की फिनफिश और शेलफिश के लिए टिकाऊ संस्कृति प्रणालियों के विकास के लिए बुनियादी और रणनीतिक अनुसंधान।
  • मीठे पानी के जलीय कृषि में प्रजाति और प्रणाली विविधीकरण।
  • प्रशिक्षण, शिक्षा और विस्तार के माध्यम से मानव संसाधन विकास।

पुरस्कार और सम्मान (2007 से 2019)

पुरस्कार (2007 से 2019)

# Awards Recipients Year
Young Scientist Award 2019 Rakesh Das. 2019
Dewang Mehta National Education Award Dr. K. N. Mohanta 2019
Biotechnology Social Development Award-2017 Dr. P. P. Chakrabarti 2018
ICAR Best Technical Award-2017 Dr. D. K. Verma 2018
Krushak Ratna Award Dr. B. R. Pillai 2018
Best Scientist Award Dr. S. S. Mishra 2018
Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award-2016 for life time outstanding contribution in agricultural research in the areas of animal and fisheries research in the country Dr. Priyabrat Swain 2017
Dr. TVR Pillay Aquaculture Award-2017 by Asian Fisheries Society Indian Branch (AFS-IB) Dr. Priyabrat Swain 2017
Scroll of Honour and Gentleman Scientist Award from Federal Ministry of Animal Resources of Sudan as FAO International Consultant to Sudan Dr. P. Routray 2017
Krushi Prativa Award Dr. S. S. Mishra 2017
Fellowship Award from the Wildlife Protection Society of India Dr. B. C. Mohapatra 2017
Dhiru Morarji Memorial Award -2017 for the best article in Indian Journal of Fertilizers Dr. Pankaj Kumar Tiwari 2017
Best poster presentation ( prize) at 2s/international Symposium on Genomics in Aquaculture Dr. H. K. Barman 2016
First position in Best Poster Award at international Symposium on Genomics in Aquaculture Banya Kar, A. Mohapatra, Dr. J. Mohanty Dr. P. K. Sahoo 2016
Best Poster in the Technical Session Feed Quality and Safety Aspects at XVI Biennial Animal Nutrition Conference Dr. B. N. Paul 2016
AZRA-Young Scientist award-2016 from AZRA at International symposium on "Advances in life sciences" organized by Applied Zoologist Research Association Dr. Lakshman Sahoo 2016
Life Time Achievement Award from Fisheries Department, Government of Assam Dr. P. P. Chakrabarti & Dr. B. C. Mohapatra 2016
Best Oral Presentation Award Dr. Subhas Sarkar 2015
Best Paper Award, for presenting the paper "Portable FRP Carp Hatchery: A Tool for Biodiversity Conservation in Fisheries" in NS13C-2015 from Andaman Science Association Dr. B.C. Mohapatra and Team 2015
Best Publication of the Year Award Rakhi Kumari and S. Ferosekhan 2015
Prof. H. P. C. Shetty Award for 2014 of Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch (AFSIB) Dr. P. C. Das 2014
Pillay Aquaculture Award - 2014 by Pillay Aquaculture Foundation, Indian Chapter for Excellence in Aquaculture Research, Extension and Development Dr. P. K. Sahoo 2014
Applied Zoologist Research Association (AZRA) young Scientist award Dr. J. K. Sundaray 2014
Young Scientist Associate Award 2013 for outstanding contribution in the field of Aquaculture/fish pathology Dr. Shailesh Saurabh 2013
Best Paper Presentation Award at the First International and Third National Conference on Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (organized by Society for Applied Biotechnology) Dr. Asish Saha 2013
Chaudhary Devi Lal Outstanding All India Coordinated Research Project Award 2012 Dr. B. C. Mohapatra 2013
Best Oral Presentation award in National Symposium on Indian Academy of Veterinary nutrition and Animal Welfare Dr. K. C. Das 2013
Distinguished Service Award by the Society of Biological Sciences and Rural Development on the occasion of National Symposium on Innovative and Modern Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Dr. Nirupama Panda 2013
Distinguished Service Award for outstanding contribution in the field of Library and Documentation from Society of Biological Sciences and Rural Development S. K. Mohanty 2013
Scientist of the year Award in the field of Fish Genetics and Biotechnology by Society of Biological Sciences & Rural Development Dr. P. K. Meher 2013
Best Poster award for the poster Cloning and characterisation of GHRHR and IGF1 in Indian Major Carp, Labeo rohita (rohu) M. Mohanty, S. Patnaik, Dr. L. Sahoo, Dr. P. Das and Dr. P. Jayasankar 2013
Best poster presentation award entitled "Molecular modelling and molecular dynamics simulation of the TLR3 protein: an in silico approach in identification of potential ligands for TLR3 signalling in Labeo rohita" B. R. Sahoo, B. Swain M. Basu, Dr. M. Samanta 2012
Young scientist award-2012 for the outstanding contribution in the field of aquaculture production Dr. Rajesh Kumar 2012
Jawaharlal Nehru Award for outstanding doctoral thesis research in Agricultural and Allied Sciences 2011 (Fisheries Sciences) Dr. Shailesh Saurabh 2012
Krushka Bandhu Award-2012 for outstanding contribution towards development of "Jayanti rohu" & contributing immensely for fish farmers of the country Dr. K. D. Mahapatra 2012
Dr(s). Nemi Chand Jain and Jawahar Lal Vegad Award -2012 by Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists Dr. P. K. Sahoo 2012
Best oral presentation award in Hindi on Freshwater Aquaculture -sustainable livelihood for farmers of Sambalpur under NAIP component -3 Dr. P. K. Meher ,Dr. S. K. Swain, Babita Patro, P. Mishra, S. Kar and Dr. P. Jayasankar 2012
Yang Yi Memorial Abstract Award from World Aquaculture Society for the paper on “Cryopreservation of Fish Embryonic Stem Cells with Carbohydrate Additives” C. Dash, Dr. P. Routray S. Tripathy, Dr. D. K. Verma, A.D. Sahu B. C. Guru, Dr. P. K. Meher 2011
Best poster Award from World Aquaculture Society (WAS) for the paper on Factors affecting in-vitro differentiation of Indian major carp embryonic stem (ES) cells S. Tripathy, Dr. P. Routray ,C. Dash, Dr. D. K. Verma ,S. K. Swain, P. Sahu ,G. K. Purohit 2011
Hari Om Ashram Trust Award for outstanding contribution in the field of Animal and fisheries sciences on the topic 'Maternal immunity of fish and its transfer to offspring for protection against infections at early stage of life’ from ICAR for the biennium 2008-2009 Dr. P. Swain 2011
Krushak Bandhu Team Award, 2011 Dr. S. K. Swain & NAIP team 2011
Krushak Bandhu Award 2011 Dr. B. K. Das, Dr. P. Routray & Dr. S. C. Rath 2011
Professor H. P. C. Shetty Award, 2011 by Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch in recognition for excellence in fisheries research and development Dr. P. K. Sahoo 2011
Swaminathan Best Indian Fisheries Scientist Award-2011 for publishing in journals of highest cumulative impact factor Dr. B. K. Das 2011
Young Scientist Associate award from Bioved Research foundation for contribution to NEH states. Dr. P. P. Chakrabarti 2010
Smt. Juthika memorial award from Science Association of Bengal for contribution to R &D Dr. P. P. Chakrabarti 2010
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Memorial National Science Day Award 2010 from Science Association of Bengal Dr. S. K. Swain 2010
ICAR Award for Outstanding Interdisciplinary Team Research in Agriculture and Allied Sciences for the biennium 2007-2008 for the work on off-season maturation and spawning of Indian major carps Dr. S. K. Sarkar, Dr. S. Nandi, Dr. P. Routray, Dr. A. Saha, Dr. J. Mohanty, Dr. C. Devaraj, S. Dasgupta and Dr. D. K. Verma 2010
Team member for ICAR outstanding Team Award for the project “Exploring Potential for Marketing of Fish in India”. Lead Institute NCAP (ICAR), New Delhi N. K. Barik 2010
Fellow award by Bioved Research Institute for Agriculture and Technology Dr. G.S. Saha 2009
Distinguished Service Award 2008 of Bioved Research Society, Allahabad Sri P. Jena 2008
Vishishta Matshyaki Seva Puraskar-2008 from Jila Sahakari Matshya Vikash Evem Bipadan Federation Ltd. Dr. Radheyshyam 2008
Bhumi-Putra Vaigyanic Puraskar by Navik Shramik Jalmajdoor Matshyajiwi Sahakari Samiti Dr. Radheyshyam 2008
Samanta Chandrasekhara Award 2006 by Orissa Vigyan Academy Dr. P.K. Sahooa 2008
Team research in fisheries for the biennium 2006-2007 Dr. N. Sarangi, Dr. J. K. Jena, Dr. S. N. Mohanty, Dr. P. C. Das, Dr. K. N. Mohanta, and P. K. Sahu 2008
Krus hakbandhu Award Dr. S. K. Swain 2008
Prof. H. P. C. Shetty Award for Excellence in Fisheries Research and Development for 2008 Dr. J. K. Jena 2008
XII International Science Commemoration Award Dr. S. Adhikari 2007
Young Scientist Award of Indian Society of Extension Education Dr. H. K. De 2007
Eminent Scientist of the Year Award 2007 of the National Environmental Science Academy (NESA) Dr. A. K. Pandey 2007

Recognitions (2007 to 2019)

# Recognitions Recipients Year
Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), New Delhi Dr. P. Swain 2019
Indo-US Research Fellowship of American Society of Microbiology and US Science and Technology Dr. M. Samanta 2019
Outstanding Reviewer Elsevier Aquaculture 2019 of Elsevier Group Dr. P. Swain 2018
Certificate of Outstanding contribution in Reviewing for Fish & Shellfish Immunology (Elsevier) from Elsevier Group Dr. P. K. Sahoo 2018
Honorary Fellowship of Society of Life Sciences (MP), India Dr. B. C. Mohapatra 2018
Honorary Fellowship of Society of Life Sciences (MP), India Dr. S. S. Mishra 2017
Felicitated as a young scientist by The Zoological Society Kolkata during Young Scientists' Meet 2016 Kiran D. Rasal 2016
Felicitated as a young scientist by The Zoological Society Kolkata during Young Scientists' Meet 2016 Rakesh Das 2016
Life Fellow from the Academy of Environmental Biology, New Delhi Dr. B. C. Mohapatra 2016
ICAR-International Fellowship to pursue Ph.D. from Aquaculture Research Group (GIA), University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. S. Ferosekhan 2016
Fellow of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Durg, Chhattisgarh Dr. P. K. Sahoo 2016
Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, NAAS, New Delhi Dr. P. K. Sahoo 2016
Dr V R P Sinha Medal (Ichthyology) from Zoological Society of India, Boodh Gaya at 25th All India Congress of Zoology at Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar Dr. J. K. Sundaray 2014
Letter of Appreciations from Fisheries Division (ICAR) for "Development of Action Plan for Livelihood Options at Bali Island of Sunderban" in West Bengal and taking efforts in a difficult tribal area like Bali, to improve the lives of the poor families in 2012-2013 from ICAR, New Delhi Dr. B. C. Mohapatra Dr. P. P. Chakrabarti & Dr. K. Kumar 2013
Fellowship of the Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology (FASET), Bhopal during the Conference on Aquaculture: Fish for billion at Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Dr. P. Jayasankar 2012
Australian Govt. Endeavour Awards 2012. He received a post-doctoral fellowship for six months from School of Life and Environmental Sciences Deakin University, Victoria, Australia. Dr. S. S. Giri 2012
Scroll of Honour from Odisha Krushak Samaj, Bhubaneswar Dr. P. Jayasankar 2011
Dr K. H. Alikhuni Gold Medal (2011) for his Ph.D. thesis entitled “Immune responses of Indian major carp, Labeo rohita (Ham) to freshwater fish louse Argulusinfestation” from Professional Fisheries Graduate Forum, CIFE, Mumbai Dr. Shailesh Saurabh 2011
Fellow of the National Environmentalists Association, Ranchi Dr A. K. Pandey 2008
Dr. S. Z. Qasim Gold Medal of Bioved Research Society, Allahabad at 10th Indian Agricultural Scientists and Farmers Congress, Allahabad Dr A. K. Pandey 2008
Annual Gold Medal of Jago Jan-Jan- A Holistic Indian Social Development Association, Kaimur, Bihar Dr. Radheyshyam 2008
Fellow of Zoological Society of India, Bodhgaya, Bihar Dr. S. K. Swain 2007
Dr. M. C. Dash Gold Medal of Zoological Society of India, at all India Congress of Zoology, Lucknow. Dr. B. K. Mishra 2007

Our Past Directors

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Dr. S. D. Tripathy
Sept 1988 - Feb 1994
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Dr. S. Ayyappan
Jan 1996 - Jun 2000
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Dr. K. Janki Ram
Dec 2001 - Jun 2003
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Dr. N. Sarangi
Apr 2004 - Jun 2008
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Dr. A. E. Eknath
Jul 2008 - Jun 2011
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Dr. P. Jayasankar
Jan 2012 - Jan 2017

Intellectual Properties of ICAR-CIFA

Patents Granted

# Title Patent No. Date of Grant
A manually operated low cost handy cryofreezer for gamete cryopreservation IN251022 16.02.2012
Male-specific protein of Indian major carp (Labeo rohita) – A key for sex differentiation and brood stock management IN252072 24.04.2012
A method and an apparatus for developing gonodal maturity in carp IN275820 22.09.2016
A process for differential sero-diagnosis of gram-negative bacterial infections and detection of their toxins in human food in reference to fish and fish products using polyclonal antibodies to their less cross reacting and highly specific extra cellular products antigen IN277749 29.11.2016
Competitive ELISA for diagnosis and sero monitoring of microbial infections in cultured freshwater fishes IN277740 29.11.2016
An improved aeration device for large aquaculture pond IN313754 04.06.2019
An artificial medium for in vitro culture of glochidia larvae of Freshwater mussels IN348367 30.09.2020

Patent Filed:

# Title Application No. Filed Year
A method of producing antibacterial extracts from fresh water algae 749/KOL/2011 2011-12
Process of unambiguous identification of intergeneric hybrid of rohu and catla (Family Cyprinidae) using molecular marker based kit. 343/KOL/ 2013 2012-13
A method for identification and differentiation of two important argulus species Argulus siamensis and Argulus japonicas. 1108/KOL /2013 2013-14
Process for purification of ABC binding protein of Aeromonas hydrophila. 672/KOL/2014 2014-15
Purified recombinant Gial cell-derived Neurotropic Factor (GDNF) of rohu carp, labeo rohita. 201631036694 2016-17
Spring- less apparatus for holding bivalves during a pearl production surgical operation. 201731011799/KOL/2017 2016-17

Designs Granted

  1. Mechanical Pond applicator (210262 in class12-99, 21. 05.2007)
  2. Mechanical fish harvester (218326 in class 22-05 at Kolkata 1/9/2008)

Trademarks Granted

  1. CIFAXTM (28.04.2008)(Application Regn. No.- 796393 in class 1 at Kolkata)
  2. Jayanti rohuTM (30.6.2005) (Application Regn. No.- 1368991 in class 31 at Kolkata)
  3. CIFABROODTM Carp Brood stock diet (18.03.2011) (Application Regn. No.- 1792420 in class 31 at Kolkata, 05.03.2009)
  4. CIFA CARP-STARTER (Application Regn. No. 4522450 in class 31 at Mumbai, Date-21.01.2021)
  5. CIFA CARP-GROWER (Application Regn. No. 4522478 in class 31 at Mumbai, Date-23.01.2021)
  6. NANOPLUS @ CIFA (Application Regn. No. 4522451 in class 31 at Mumbai, Date-23.01.2021)
  7. CIFA GI- SCAMPI (Application Regn. No. 4522477 in class 31 at Mumbai, Date-23.01.2021)

Books in Hindi

# Title Price (in Rs.)
Machli evam jhingo ka rog nidan 100
Meethe pani me moti sambardhan 200
CIFA Pradyogiki 200

Books in English

# Title Price (in Rs.)
Breeding and seed production of asian cat fish 200
Genetic improvement methods in Asiatic carps 200
Aquatic pollution and management 650
Giant freshwater prawn complex 200
Aquaculture technologies for farmers (2009 Ed) 650
Aquaculture technologies for farmers(2011 Ed) 400
CIFA : 25 years of freshwater aquaculture research 750
Strategies for Aquaculture Development 350
Fish Feed Resources and Farm Made Feed 300
A manual on giant freshwater prawn hatchery 100
Invited Papers on Application of Solid State Fermentation Technology in Aquaculture 500
Rohu (Labeo rohita) Database 500

Computer CDs

# Title Language Price (in Rs.)
Catfish(Magur)farming Hindi/Oriya/English 300
Freshwater Prawn hatcheries for boosting prawn production Hindi/Oriya/English 300
Ornamental fish breeding and Culture English 300
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